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Press Pause (do it now)

One of my role models is the amazing and brilliant Arianna Huffington founder of the Huffington Post. When I had the opportunity to meet her at Wisdom 2.0 last year (in 2013) I was beyond ecstatic and inspired. When someone from Huff Post reached out to me a few weeks later to ask if I’d be interested in creating a meditation guide for their featured mindfulness app GPS for the Soul I was delighted to share my mindfulness tips (if you haven’t already, download the free app on your phone). I agreed to provide my guide within a few weeks.Continue Reading >>

Stepping into spring… In silence

We’ve sprung forward with our clocks and pollen has officially taken over the air (source: my itchy eyes and scratchy throat). It can only mean one thing… Spring is here! Although seasonal shifts happen slowly over time, today’s equinox marks the first day of spring, and once again we will have equal amounts of daylight and nightfall as we move forward to longer days taking us into summer. Seasons influence everything from the food we eat, the clothes we we wear, activities we plan and even the thoughts and goals we nourish. Just like anything else, our thoughts and lifeContinue Reading >>

How to develop a meditation practice – Part 2

To meditate is to have focused attention. There are many paths to obtaining and exercising focused attention ranging from chanting, moving, gazing, visualization, breathing and more. For the purpose of this article we will talk about breath focused meditation but keep in mind that is only one of many methods.

How to develop a meditation practice – Part 1

Whether you know it or not at some point in your life you have “meditated”, you have focused intently on something, you have been so consumed by the present moment that all other thoughts seem to cease, you have sat in silence staring at the wall noticing the thoughts in your mind and therefore you have meditated.

the power of giving

I recently finished up a year long series of psychology classes at Stanford University with Kelly McGonigal, a health psychologist and yoga instructor I have followed and admired for years. I was psyched (no pun intended) to study with Kelly because she has intelligently meshed two philosophies near and dear to my heart: science and mindfulness. I can’t believe the day has finally arrived that researchers are studying, in a scientific manner, the effects of meditation and mindfulness… and showing statistically significant results of how mindfulness WORKS! Over the course of this last year we delved deep into the scienceContinue Reading >>