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Mindfulness is finally getting its turn in the spotlight and rightly so, check out this latest Times article. The practice of turning inwards and working out the mind with a few minutes of silence is proving to have profound affects on the mind, body, and emotions. But what does it mean to be mindful and to meditate? And the question I get asked the most…

Is it going to require hours a day sitting in a crossed legged position sitting under a banyan tree… not at all.

To meditate is to have focused attention. There are many paths to obtaining and exercising focused attention ranging from chanting, moving, gazing, visualization, breathing and more. For the purpose of this article we will talk about breath focused meditation but keep in mind that is only one of many methods.

The first thing to know is meditation does not mean to have no thoughts. This way of thinking can lead to a lot of frustration and sense of failure (as it did for me when I first started).

To meditate is to be aware of “non focus” and bring back to “focus”

This is probably the most important and often overlooked part of meditation. Asking one to sit and focus on the breath and nothing else is asking for failure. Our over stimulated brains are constantly jumping from one thought to another from the past to future, this activity often goes unnoticed because we’re busy engaging in the task at hand however this activity is brought to the forefront when we are no longer distracted and deliberately trying to focus.


Imagine going on a bike ride or attempting to find your 1 rep max deadlift. To complete the ride you may have to shift gears a few times depending on the terrain and strengthen your climbing muscles and to discover your 1 rep max you may have to start off with a lighter weight and slowly add on more.  These might not be the best analogies but my point is you have to course correct along the way.

Same goes for meditation. The point is to notice when the mind has wondered and bring it back to the point of focus in this case the breath. As the mindful muscle gets stronger, the length of time it takes to notice the mind has wondered decreases from minutes to seconds. And the mind gets stronger.

Is it going to require hours a day sitting in crossed legged position sitting under a banyan tree… fortunately no!

As with most things in life it’s about quality not quantity. Having a consistent daily practice for 10 minutes is far better than having an hour long practice once ever couple weeks. Consistency is key. Just like you’d brush your teeth every morning you’d brush your brain as well.

it’s about quality not quantity

I hope now you’re not intimidated to give meditation a shot and maybe even eager to do so.

To get started use this free guided meditation:

Check out my other programs.

Here are a few of my trusted resources that I recommend to support your meditation journey:

Chopra Center Meditation: Deepak Chopra is launching a new 21-day meditation challenge. These are a great addition to your meditation toolbox and full of little nuggets of wisdom

Insight Timer: A peaceful alternative to time your meditations without the blaring sound of your phone alarm.

The 21 day STRESS detox: My tried and tested 21 day program that happens 4 times a year. It is designed to help you identify and eliminate stress in your life so you can live a life of freedom and happiness